Welcome to know about NPU brand-new program-- Learning at NPU- Global Summer Open Courses (please scan the QR Code at the end of this article for more details), which will be held from July 11th to August 15th 2022. The courses are designed for both undergraduates and postgraduates, the registration for this program starts at June 25, 2022 and ends at July 8, 2022. For international students who wish to sign up for any course, they could complete the Google Form application by clicking the following link, //forms.gle/5VSWYPbWY9cEJ5JK8. If you fail to open the link, you could copy it and open it in your browser.
Teachers give full play to their personal expertise and research advantages, integrate cutting-edge scientific knowledge into teaching, share the latest scientific research progress, attract international students from all over the world to "study in one classroom". Not only learning professional knowledge, our summer open courses program also aims to provide a platform to learn and exchange cultures from other countries.
Our School of Software open the following courses in this program, come and join us!
1. Course Name: Joint Human Machine Learning (JHML)
Brief Intros: This course covers the fundamentals of machine learning using R and Python, a user-friendly and well-known programming language. We'll go over two major components in this course: First, you'll learn about Machine Learning's objective and how it applies in the actual world. Second, you'll learn about supervised vs unsupervised learning, model evaluation, and Machine Learning algorithms. In this course, you'll get hands-on experience with real-world Machine Learning applications and learn how it influences society in unexpected ways.
Assoc. Prof. FARHAN ULLAH is the special issue Lead Guest Editor for Security and Communication Networks Journal, and the Computers, Materials, and Continua Journal. He is an editorial board member of KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Journal. He also served as a Guest Editor for a special issue of Future Internet Journal. He received Research Productivity Award (RPA) from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Sahiwal, Pakistan in 2016.
2. Course Name: Secure Coding in C/C++
Brief Intros: Build more secure and reliable software systems: The most effective way to improve software security and reliability is to eliminate vulnerabilities during its development—before the software is released. The course assumes basic C and C++ programming skills but does not assume an in-depth knowledge of software security. Producing secure programs requires secure designs. However, even the best designs can lead to insecure programs if developers are unaware of the many security pitfalls inherent in C and C++ programming.
This course helps software developers increase security and reduce vulnerabilities in the C and C++ programs they develop. This course helps developers to eliminate vulnerabilities during development, which can result in reducing the total cost of repairing code compared to making repairs after development. This course provides developers with practical instruction based on the CERT Secure Coding Standards, which have been curated from the contribution of more than 1,900 experts in the C and C++ programming languages.
Teacher: Arnatovich Yauhen
Dr. Arnatovich Yauhen’s interests span various areas in Programming Languages, Algorithms and Data Structures, Software Development and Design, Software Security and Quality, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Internet of Things, and Quantum Computing. He has completed two Professional Certification Programs for Database Developers and Administrators from IBM. He has (co-)authored various research papers published in reputable international journals and conferences and have been invited as a Reviewer for various international software engineering journals.
No program fee is required. However, the participants shall make sure the stable network environment. The participants will receive a Credit Certificate after they successfully pass the corresponding course. The application deadline is July 8th.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email : [email protected].
For obtaining more details, please visit:
课程简介内容来自外教: FARHAN ULLAH、Arnatovich Yauhen